... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Inferences Again

In Edwards inferences, I think he does a good job of portraying the balance we must have and understand concerning affections in true religion. We cannot be too extreme and make our religion all about our experiences and emotions for Christ, however, if we are entirely lacking strong emotions for Him that is not true religion either. "For although to true religion there must indeed be something else besides affection, yet true religion consists so much in the affections that there can be no true religion without them... As there is not true religion where there is nothing else but affection, so there is no true religion where there is no religious affection." He says it so well it is hard to restate it any better.

I have to say that the third inference made me step back and examine myself. Edwards concludes that since religion and affections are so closely related that we should be ashamed that we are no more moved or affected for God. He created us with affections for the purpose of using them to glorify Him, yet we often engage our affections in our worldly interests, reputation, relationships, and successes with ardent zeal, tender hearts, much concern, being "much depressed with grief at losses, and highly raised with joy at worldly successes and prosperity. But how insensible and unmoved are most men about the great things of another world... How they can sit and hear of the infinite height, and depth, and length, and breadth of the love of God in Christ Jesus...and yet be cold and heavy, insensible and regardless!"

I want to be affectionate for Christ and His kingdom above any interest I may have in this world.

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