... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Monday, July 30, 2007


Okay... so we were doing really good for a while weren't we.... let's see if we can start back up....

-My father, he was always the leader of house and always set a great example, he is such an amazing man! He set a great example of what I knew I should look for when it came time to finding a Godly husband!

-Jeremy, he amazes me more everyday! He love me so much and really wants to be a Godly husband and shows me this everyday.

-Kara, Telitha, Victoria, and Justin.... the four of you were the first people ever to show me what it was like to have a passion for God and be on fire for him. You have always pushed me to grow in my relationship with God and for that I will forever be thankful

Life Changing Lessons:
-I'm having trouble thinking of Lessons so I'll go with Life Changing moments....
-When I quit softball, that is someting I often think about, if I had kept playing I think my life would have been different (and not in a good way), so I priase God for giving me the strength to quit.
-God reminds me every day of his love for me by how he forgives me for every thing I've done and still continues to Bless me!

-The books of Hebrews has always been amazing to me and showing me how Faith is such an important aspect of being a Christian.

-Well you know how I am about reading, I tend not to remember the books that I have read, I know they've impacted my life but I still don't remember much about them....
-Books I've enjoyed: The Five Love Languages, Blue Like Jazz, Narnia (I know it's fiction, but the parallels are incredible)

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