... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kara's Most Influential

Where to start...

Most influential people:
- My friend Cindy from home. She is the one who invited me to go to church. I often went with her and am so thankful for her friendship and her return to the Lord.

- My Mentor/Sunday School Teacher Becky Fields. She took us through books of the Bible and rightly divided the Word of Truth. She also helped me understand the doctrines of Grace.

- My mother. She always gave me a balanced answer to my questions and always reminded me not tarnish my testimony by doing something stupid.

- Justin. There are so many way that he has influenced me, he is passionate and convinced. He also is the one who introduced me to Calvinism (the doctrines of grace)and told me to search the scripture.

- Dan Lewis, my youth minister. He taught me that there is an absolute truth and God's word is it! He laid a solid foundation which everything else is built on!

Lessons that were life changing:
- When I learned that I did not have to performed to be loved and that my true identity is found in Christ I found such freedom.

- That as a Christian all I have to do is Love God and do what I want because God has given me the desires he wants me to have. So love God and do what you want!

- That God is sovereign.

Scripture that was life changing:
- The book of Romans. When I read it the summer after my freshman year of college I saw all things differently. I realized God is sovereign over all His creation and we are created to worship him! It was amazing to see that God has chosen a people for Himself and His death on the cross was to redeem those people. He took the wrath I deserve upon himself! This was life changing and I never tire learning these things.

- The book of Ephesians. To learn who I am in Christ and who He is in me! It is amazing!!

Books that were life changing:- The Search for Significance (workbook)
- Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado
Neither are deep but nonetheless they impacted me!
- The Cross Centered Life by C.J Maheny (excellent!!!!!!! points me to the Cross!)

I thank God for all these things!

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