... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Challenge

It's funny that you mention that Kara... a week ago in Sunday School I was really challenged by the leaders about getting in the Word. It was an incredible lesson. John (the guy who led Sunday School) started with Revelation 1:3... Blessed is the one who READS! The verse goes on to say... the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. That verse can be taken two ways... the one who reads the prophecy of the book of Revelation or the one who reads the Word of God and who hear it and take to heart what is written in it. Rebecca (John's wife) gave a huge to both the husbands and wives of the class. The challenge to the husbands was to be the spiritual leader, that wives need to see them studying the Word and living the Word. And to the wives she gave the challenge of just being in the Word and learning from it. John then went on to talk about how we shouldn't just read the Word because we feel obligated to, but we should love the Word of God so much that we just want to read it all the time. Now I've heard that so many times before, but it struck me more that day than it ever has. So I left Sunday School feeling challenged and renewed and I couldn't wait to wake up Monday morning to read the Word. Jeremy and I woke up Monday morning and ran at 6am, and when we got back I just sat outside and read, it was so nice and refreshing.... and I thought hey this is nice, I can do this! But ladies... that's all I did for the rest of the week.... I slept til 8 almost every morning and then got up to watch TV.... I felt aweful everyday... I knew that something was missing.... So here I am again, ready to get up tomorrow (Monday) morning hoping to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to dive into the Word... so pray for me... you all know what a struggle reading is for me, but I really do want to learn what God has in store for me and for Jeremy....

Which leads me to one other thing... pray for Jeremy and I.... I would love to say that God is the number 1 priority in our marriage... but there is so much more we could do... pray that Jeremy would learn how to be the spiritual leader of this family... pray for me that I will encourage him to be the leader... We are both taking baby steps in this... the first step was by getting up and going to this Young Married's Sunday School class which has been such a blessing... Jeremy meets with the Youth Pastor and a couple other guys from the church for breakfast on Tuesday mornings and he's reading a book called The Man in the Mirror... reading is a struggle for him too... pray that we would both seek God in our marriage, and that these baby steps would turn into giant leaps of faith....

I love you all!

1 comment:

Kara said...

It is amazing when the word seems fresh and alive!! The thing is it is so hard to get into it and make it a habit!!! I feel ya! I will be praying for you and look forward to seeing what the Lord teaches you in the Word.

One suggestion/question... do you have a Bible reading plan of any sort or do you just open the Bible and read?? Ya might try a plan to keep ya on track!