... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Monday, June 25, 2007

Some things...

I wanted to point out one thing on the blog.. make sure you check the comments. I am responding to your post there!

I love you guys so much!

Now to my question... In Ephesians 6, the armor of God section, are we told to put on the armor of God as more of a defensive or should we fight spiritual warfare? Paul tells us we have the sword of the Spirit but is it a defensive tool or offensive tool?

The reason I ask this is because the passage tells us to STAND multiple times... so that would make me think it is defensive. Justin and I were talking about it and he said we should remember the battle has already been won and we are to stand in Victory.

What do you think?


mrsmontz said...

Very interesting... you are posing some thought provoking questions! The armor of God... It's a great thing to know that we carry it! I think it is used both ways. It reminds me of something we talked about in sunday school yesterday, in our marriage we want to grow in God together, but we can't do it together until we do it individually right? Well, I don't think you can use the Armor offensively until you are fully equipped defensively. Not that I say once we have put on each piece we are to go out and battle spiritual warfare, but when God calls us to do something (for example, a mission trip) then we are preparred for it!
We can Stand for Christ in many different ways, I like that we stand in Victory!
I guess what I'm saying is that I believe our Armor is strengthened when we use it defensively everyday so that when the time comes to use it offensively it is that much stronger.

I hope that made sense! I hope that you guys are having a wonderful time in Oklahoma!

Telitha said...

Well, I looked over the passage and I see your point about the stand firms, and while I was reading it I thought of the verse (in James 4?) "resist the devil and he will flee from you." And then I noticed it said that by the armor you could resist the devil, so I think this makes a presuasive argument that they are mainly a defensive.

I like what Justin said too, Christ has won the ultimate victory and though we may battle now, we know we are victorious even in our battling.

Finally, we can't talk about the armor of God without me saying this. Every piece of armor mentioned is Jesus Christ.
Shield of Faith --> our faith is only in Christ

Belt of Truth --> He said I am the truth

Sword of the Spirit --> it is the spirit of Christ that we have recieved

Breatplate of Righteousness --> He made Him who knew know sin to become sin on our behalf that we might attain the righteousness of Jesus Christ

And so on. Paul also says to be clothed in Christ, so I think that is how we put on the armor, we abide in Christ.