... that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12

Monday, June 25, 2007


So wow, I am loving Sunday School more every time we go! I am learning more from that hour than I am from the sermon... my mind is usually reflecting on class during the sermon, but I'm trying to focus... This week our focus was on Passion and what are our passions are as individuals and what they should be as married couples. We are in the book of Nehimiah and we are learning about three attributes he had when we found out about the Wall and wanted to rebuild it, Passion, Pray, and Planning. Last week we kind of talked about those things, but I think Todd (the leader), wanted to get back into it.
It is very important to have a passion in your life, to fully enjoy something. Nehimiah's passion was for the wall and the city it protected. Todd asked us what some of our passions were, I mentioned Sandy Cove and then Todd's wife Michele asked me a question... Now, imagine if you found out that Sandy Cove was falling apart, that they were building adult bookstores on the property, or one of the buildings burned down and they didn't want to rebuild... how would I feel? Well ladies, I would be devastated!
Planning was also talked about in class, you have to plan for your passion! If you have a passion and do nothing to contribute to the passion what good is it? And you must pray! God is the one in control of your passions and if you seek his guidance than he will allow you to accomplish your passion!

So ladies.... what is your Passion?
Here are some of mine:
Seeking God
Sandy Cove
Being healthy and active (I'm working on this one :)
Physical Education
My family and friends


Telitha said...

Great thoughts! and very convicting. Of late I have been stuggling with where my passions lie. Do I desire the Lord, or am I swept away with the cares of this world? If I were to be honest I would say I have been far to concerned with the things of this world lately.

I think that the statement about planning for you passion is true. If God is my passion then I have to plan Him into my days, seeking Him is not something that comes without effort (planning). What are my passions?

The Lord
Discipling and teaching biblical doctrine
My family
My friends
Physical Therapy and my patients

Kara said...

Well I have been racking my brain about this, that is why I have not posted!!

Sad to say I feel very disconnected from most things. I have been in somewhat of a rut with seeking the Lord so my passion has not been that as of late.

If I were to evaluate my passions as of late I would say:
my family, reading, television, the internet

If I were to tell you truly what I desire to desire:
My savior, serving/honoring my husband, loving my little girl, spreading truth and a passion for missions, teaching impacting/life changing truth to people, being saturated with the Word

Pray for me as I plan these things in my life.